5 Powerful Ways to be more Positive

Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA
3 min readSep 21, 2021

Your mindset is about your attitudes, values and perception.

Image by Morgan Ren from Pixabay

Our lives are a reflection of our attitude. It can be easy to become negative and cynical toward the world without even noticing. With the continuous exposure to tragedy and injustice that we are exposed to daily, we can quickly start to experience our own heartache and distress. Not only is this negative attitude preventing you from enjoying your life fully, but it can also have a significant impact on your health and environment.

Here are five powerful ways that you can begin to cultivate a positive mindset and change your life.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

There are times when a single event can ruin your entire day, and an unpleasant interaction can overshadow the enjoyable parts of your day. With this awareness in mind, you can intentionally focus on the good parts of the day by keeping a gratitude journal. Every night, before you go to bed, write down five things that you’re grateful for and see how your attitude changes.

Reframe Your Challenges

You have to get into the mindset that there are no dead ends, only re-directions. Don’t let uncontrollable events render you helpless. Learn to control the effort you put in and have fun with challenges that you encounter. Embrace challenges as a new…



Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA

Writing about the mind, the esoteric, spirituality and, life in general. Website: https://www.alanjonesUK.com Other Places: https://zmii.uk//alanjones