How to Stop Worrying About Tomorrow.

Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA
5 min readOct 28, 2022

What you do TODAY shapes your TOMORROW

Worrying about the future is unavoidable. Sometimes, worrying can help us prepare for what may come.

However, when worry becomes a persistent issue or an uncontrollable habit, it can impair our ability to function as we usually would and make us less happy overall. It also hurts our chances of success because it prevents us from living in the present moment and focusing on remaining fully present.

On the other hand, living in the moment involves remaining fully aware and focused on what is happening around us at any given time.

It also includes feeling mentally strong enough to drive the present moment.

Your Past Shapes You

What you do Today will define Your tomorrow

Living in the moment means we have little to no concern about the future, nor do we worry about the past. We just stay highly concentrated on the present.

That is a great art and challenging practice, but it results in a happier, more rewarding, and more fulfilling life.

Many people know how important it is to live in the moment. They may even talk about how to do so.

How can you stop worrying about the future and live in the moment?



Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA

Writing about the mind, the esoteric, spirituality and, life in general. Website: Other Places: