Ich Dien : I Serve

Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA
5 min readSep 19, 2022

Some thoughts about service

Photo by Mathew Browne on Unsplash

Unless you’ve been living totally off-grid for the last week or so you will be fully aware of the passing of Queen Elizabeth 11.

It’s been a week that has brought the attention of the world to the UK.

I’ve no intention in these few words to enter into any debate about the relevance (or not) of a monarchy nor indeed the legacy of such. This is something which does need considered debate at some point, however, I wanted to reflect upon something Charles III said to the Welsh Assembly a day or two ago.

Speaking of his Mother, Charles said…

‘Through all the years of her reign, the land of Wales could not be closer to my mother’s heart.

‘I know she took immense pride in your many great achievements, even as she also felt you deeply in great times of sorrow. It must surely be counted the greatest achievement to belong to a land that inspired so much devotion.

‘I am resolved to honour that same example in the spirit of the words I always try to live my own life — Ich dien — I Serve.’

Whether you support a monarchy or not, I think you would agree that seventy years of service merits some kind of recognition.

The Monarchy is sometimes refered to as “The Firm”, and all those born into it…



Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA

Writing about the mind, the esoteric, spirituality and, life in general. Website: https://www.alanjonesUK.com Other Places: https://zmii.uk//alanjones