Identify the Only Person Who can Truly Sabotage You?

And know how to deal with them

Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA
7 min readAug 30, 2021
Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

What if I told you that there’s a person out there who willfully wants to slow you down and even downright sabotage you?

What if I told you that this person may get all excited about your plans to change your life and turn things around for the better?

What if I told you that this person initially encourages you and even is your biggest cheerleader at first?

However, as the days go by, this person shows his or her true colors. This person ends up sabotaging you. It’s not obvious at first. It starts out very small. In fact, it starts out almost looking like it’s innocent but, before you know it, you have a tough time making the hard decisions that you need to turn your life around and achieve the kind of changes you know you need to do.

Sound like a friend?

This person is very familiar. In fact, this person is very close to you. Unfortunately, regardless of his or her intimacy with your desires and who you aspire to become, this person has one objective. This person wants to slow you down and eventually sabotage whatever progress you have so you end up where you began.

That’s the whole point of this person’s agenda. They want to maintain the status quo…



Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA

Writing about the mind, the esoteric, spirituality and, life in general. Website: Other Places: