Political Ramblings

Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA
7 min readAug 1, 2022

Does Democracy Work?

Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

A good friend who attended a regular Zoom group I hosted would often comment when someone suggested we were getting “political” …

“We need to get political!” He’d say.

I get where he was coming from.

Life and living cannot be separated from this thing we call politics.

The music we listen to, the books we read, and the goods we buy are as much a political act as voting for any Political Party.

The Zoom group we were all part of was a political group, even though the key focus of the group was personal well-being.

Politics in a nutshell is all about one’s personal views of the world and how they are impacted by the world Dr. Angela M. Ward

There seems to be an attitude that distances personal political acts from country-wide or state-wide politics.

Political Power seems reserved for the Political Party in power or some kind of political elite. Of course, that may be how politics is practised but not what politics is.

Some of the challenges raised by this kind of thinking revolve around the sense of disenfranchisement and powerlessness when asking the public to become involved in political debate.



Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA

Writing about the mind, the esoteric, spirituality and, life in general. Website: https://www.alanjonesUK.com Other Places: https://zmii.uk//alanjones