Thinking about Community

Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA
5 min readAug 10, 2022

And thoughts about the Green Movement

Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash

When you hear the word community, what do you think of?

Your friends, your village, your school … ??

When you think of “The Green Movement”, what do you think of?

Greenpeace, Environmental Activism, Saving the Planet… ??

Perhaps community is about relationships and the ‘green movement’ is about connection.

For me, Green Politics is a peculiar thing. At at core of what is being said is that we need to preserve the Earth for us.

This is bothersome in some respects since the Geologist and Earth Scientist in me is aware of three fundamental truths.

The Earth will not end in the sense that many suggest. It may change form and spacial existence over time.

Everything on the Earth is part of a vast web of interdependent connections: some organisms on the web are more dominant than others.

The Earth is probably more fecund and fertile without us(human beings) being around. We are temporary ‘blips’ on a larger timescale.

So no matter what we do or how careless we are in our treatment of the Earth and its resources, when we are gone, the processes of life, those which maintain the Earth within the Cosmos will continue…



Dr Alan Jones PhD FRSA

Writing about the mind, the esoteric, spirituality and, life in general. Website: Other Places: